Disability Discrimination Hub

What is the Equality Act 2010 dark blue background with white text

Accessible rail travel for everyone orange background with white textHave you experienced disability discrimination? white text on teal backgroundUpcoming training dates grey background white text

Welcome to the Disability Discrimination Hub

The Disability Discrimination Hub brings together all of the legal information you might need if you’ve experienced disability discrimination or are worried you might in the future.

The Hub is hosted by Derbyshire Law Centre as part of our partnership work with the Law Centres Network and the Barings Foundation.

What is the Equality Act 2010: and what does it mean for Disability Discrimination?

Find out more about Disability Discrimination under the Equality Act 2010. You can explore some closer details and look at some situations where disability discrimination has occurred.
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Our campaign: Accessible rail travel for everyone 

We’re campaigning for better access at Train Stations around Derbyshire. Through the Baring’s Foundation we are able to lend legal advice and support to local community groups and individuals to help make our local railways more accessible.
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Have you experienced disability discrimination? 

We want to hear from you if you’ve experienced disability discrimination or think you might have.
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Upcoming Training Dates 

We run a training for groups and individuals at our Derbyshire Law Centre office in Chesterfield or with local groups at drop in sessions.
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