Vision and Strategy

Our Mission

Our mission as a peer-led organisation is to increase access to justice for disadvantaged individuals and communities. We will do this through the provision of quality assured, accessible, free and low cost legal advice, 1-2-1 support services, information and representation to individuals and groups across Derbyshire.

View our 2022-23 Annual Report
Our core values: collaborate, respect, care. create

Our Values

We have four core principles that guide our direction and actions.

To treat everyone with integrity and respect. To value and respect each other’s expertise and diversity. To take responsibility for what we do and support each other to succeed.

To respond to changing needs. To be innovative and resourceful.

To collaborate internally and externally. To listen and share. To work as a team using all of our expertise and skills together to get the best outcomes.

To show that we care. To promote personal wellbeing for everyone – our staff, volunteers and clients. To adopt safe and healthy working practices.

Our Strategic Aims:

More details about our strategic aims and how we’re achieving them can be found in our 2022-23 Annual Report.

Clients and their needs – to provide a service that meets the needs of clients and is welcoming, non-judgemental and accessible for all, including an accessible initial assessment and signposting service to all enquiries.

Service Delivery – To provide and increase the provision of quality assured specialist legal advice, assistance and representation in social welfare law, supported by the provision of wrap around support services

Visibility and Presence – To extend awareness of the rights and remedies available to individuals and communities and the work of the Law Centre through user involvement, information, publicity and promotional work.

Partnership and Collaboration – To continue to work in partnership with other organisations, both existing and new to identify need, enhance support for clients and maximise resources.

Culture and People – To ensure that the Law Centre has well-trained and supported staff and volunteers to deliver high quality services, guided by a well-trained board of trustees, reflective of the community to ensure good governance.

Financial Stability – To increase and diversity the financial and other resources of the Law Centre to ensure its future sustainability.

How Derbyshire Law Centre® is managed

Our team is central to the success of the Derbyshire Law Centre.

Overall responsibility of the organisation is provided by a Management Committee, made up of representatives from the local communities and local authorities.  Day to day management is provided by staff members (solicitors, legal advisers and a co-ordination team) who form a Collective Management team. Our valuable volunteers provide on the ground support for our paid team and clients.

You can find out more about our Management Structure on the Our Team page. Please get in touch if you’re interested in volunteering, joining our Management Committee or becoming a member.