Our Team
Our team and working structure are critical to the success of the Derbyshire Law Centre and the work that we do for Derbyshire residents.
What is our management structure?
In 2024 the Derbyshire Law Centre changed from a Collective Management Structure to a Tiered Management Structure. This means that we have a system of management based upon a Senior Leadership Team, being advised by and leading Supportive Partners (including HR and Communications), Legal Teams and Service Delivery Teams. We are committed to our core principles respect, creativity, collaboration and care and these guide our management decisions and style.
Our Members and Management Committee oversee the Senior Leadership Team and their activities to ensure that the organisation remains true to its charitable purpose. Their valuable experience provides professional insight into the direction of the Law Centre and ensures that we are financially accountable, especially to the Charity Commission. They are responsible for safeguarding the interest of our beneficiaries and making sure we always work on their behalf.
Our volunteers are essential to the running of the Derbyshire Law Centre. Volunteers assist and support paid members of staff in variety of roles including: assessment; administration; communication and events; feedback and evaluation and through student placements.
How does our team work?
The Law Centre currently employs 32 full time and part time members of paid staff. Our team includes a Legal team and a supporting team of Service Delivery colleagues. The legal team consists of a variety of solicitors, case workers, paralegals, trainee solicitors and legal executives. The supporting team includes a range of roles which provide support for: front of house, administration, finance, funding, communication, volunteer engagement, community outreach and HR.
Our staff group is highly competent, skilled and motivated, with knowledge, skills and experience in social welfare law as well as financial and project management skills. Derbyshire Law Centre has authorised litigators who represent people in County Court including Duty Schemes.
Interested in joining our team?
You can find our most recent vacancies on our Work With Us page
If you’re interested in volunteering with us please take a look at our Volunteer page or Become a Member.