Read our 2022-23 Annual Report
This year we have helped over 5800 people in Derbyshire with their legal enquiries.
Over the past year Derbyshire residents, like those across the UK, have faced rising costs for life’s essentials. the social and economic impacts of the Cost of Living crisis have sent waves through our local communities and we are seeing an ever increasing demand for legal support in all areas.
Despite the rise in enquiries and cases at the Law Centre, we have continued to provide a service that has assisted thousands of people across the county.
All of our units are seeing more urgent demand but legal issues like eviction or discrimination rarely exist in isolation and where one problem exists there are often other elements that we can help with. Over the past year we have continued to focus on our holistic approach toward internal referrals and building relationships with external agencies to help us implement more effective intervention.
Some of our key statistics from the previous year:
We handled 1917 housing enquiries, 1/3 of all of our enquiries were about housing. We also stopped 197 people from becoming homeless.
We handled 999 enquiries and opened 403 cases about Debt issues
We answered 1044 employment enquiries and secured £380,691 in related settlement agreements for our clients
We helped 128 people with their discrimination enquiries and opened 45 cases
We handled 458 immigration enquiries
For more information about specific projects and our impact in the community please read the full 2022 – 2023 Annual Report here.