News & Events

Derbyshire Law Centre shortlisted for TWO prestigious national legal awards

Staff and volunteers at Derbyshire Law Centre are thrilled to learn that we have been shortlisted for the Law Society’s prestigious Excellence Awards 2019 in the Access to Justice category. Law Centre solicitor Lisa Haythorne has also been shortlisted for the In-house Solicitor of the Year award.

“I am so delighted to have been shortlisted for the Solicitor of the Year – In-house award” said Lisa Haythorne, previously also one of 3 finalists for the Legal Aid Practitioners Group (LAPG) Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Award, Social Welfare category, earlier this year. “It’s lovely to be nominated by my colleagues for the recognition of the work I do”.

Small Firm of the Year!

On Friday 26th April, we attended the Derby and District Law Society Annual Dinner which was a brilliant event again this year.

The evening was topped off with being named as Small Firm of the Year 2019! We are extremely grateful and thank President Ben Lawson and the DDLS Committee for the award!

Employment Tribunal Fees – Update

In July 2017 a decision of the Supreme Court abolished Employment Tribunal fees.  This means that anyone taking a claim to the Employment Tribunal no longer needs to pay a fee.

In addition, fees which have been paid either to issue a claim, or for a hearing, will be refunded by the government.  However, it is not clear yet what arrangements will be made for refunds.  When the arrangements are put in place, the Derbyshire Law Centre website will be updated with information about obtaining a refund.