News & Events

We are Cyber Essentials secure!

We are very pleased to report that we have received a certificate that confirms that we are Cyber secure. The advice we give is confidential and is secure. We would like to give our thanks to Derbyshire County Council IT team who have ensured that our IT system remains secure at all times. Thank you!

Lets Talk Money! week

9th – 13th November 2020

Derbyshire Law Centre is part a national drive to get people talking about money #Talk Money week. Contact Derbyshire Law Centre to speak to debt advisors Sue and Sally. Our specialist advice is FREE!

Sue said “We are here to help and we don’t want anyone to suffer in silence. We don’t judge anyone, debt builds up for all sorts of reasons, our job is to help you come up with a plan to sort it out”. This initiative is funded by Money and Pensions service (MaPs).

We are charting the Law Centre’s 30 year history!

Derbyshire Law Centre is a legal charity that is owned by the communities, serving the communities and is accountable to the communities across Derbyshire. We do our best in continuing to provide free specialist legal services for Derbyshire’s residents. We would like to thank Derbyshire’s communities and councils for their support. Here’s to another 30 years!

What a year 2019 has been!

Read all about the awards. We were either finalists or winners! It is certainly a testament of the hard work in turning people’s lives around for the better.

Zero Hours Contract clinic

We will be holding a clinic giving free legal advice on employment for people with zero hours contracts on 17 December from 10am to 6pm at our offices in Chesterfield.

Just drop in if you would like to speak to someone about your employment.   A Polish interpreter will be available.   Further details can be found by clicking below.

Free legal advice on employment issues that causes ill-health

Residents in Chesterfield Borough can now get free legal advice on employment matters that can cause ill-health such as stress at work. GPs can now directly refer their patients to Derbyshire Law Centre for free specialist legal advice for those affected by difficulties at work. We hope that this pilot intervention will help to resolve employment issues before they escalate.


As part of the campaign initiated by the Young Legal Aid Lawyers, Chesterfield MP Toby Perkins joined Lisa on our housing duty scheme at Chesterfield County Court last week.

Toby saw first hand how vital the free advice and representation we provide to those facing eviction from their rented and mortgaged homes.

Our duty scheme is not only important in terms of the provision of specialist legal representation but also for providing emotional support for clients at a stressful time.

Derbyshire Law Centre shortlisted for TWO prestigious national legal awards

Staff and volunteers at Derbyshire Law Centre are thrilled to learn that we have been shortlisted for the Law Society’s prestigious Excellence Awards 2019 in the Access to Justice category. Law Centre solicitor Lisa Haythorne has also been shortlisted for the In-house Solicitor of the Year award.

“I am so delighted to have been shortlisted for the Solicitor of the Year – In-house award” said Lisa Haythorne, previously also one of 3 finalists for the Legal Aid Practitioners Group (LAPG) Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Award, Social Welfare category, earlier this year. “It’s lovely to be nominated by my colleagues for the recognition of the work I do”.

Small Firm of the Year!

On Friday 26th April, we attended the Derby and District Law Society Annual Dinner which was a brilliant event again this year.

The evening was topped off with being named as Small Firm of the Year 2019! We are extremely grateful and thank President Ben Lawson and the DDLS Committee for the award!