List of Documents
The Tribunal will order you and the Respondent to disclose documents to each other by a certain date, so that a bundle of documents can be compiled for use at the hearing.
When disclosing documents, you are expected to provide a detailed list, giving the name and date of the document, and/or to provide copies of the documents concerned. If the Respondent is compiling the index you should provide them with a copy of each of your documents. The Respondent will send you a list of their documents. If you haven’t got a copy of any document on their list, you should ask for a copy to be sent to you. If there are any documents you believe the Respondent has, and which you think should be included in the bundle of documents, then ask them to disclose them. If they refuse, you can ask the Tribunal to order disclosure.
The Tribunal will ask one party to compile a bundle of documents. This is usually the Respondent, particularly in cases where the Claimant is not legally represented. The bundle of documents will contain all the documents disclosed by both sides; it will consist of numbered pages, compiled with an index to show where each document can be found.
It is important that both sides disclose all the documents relating to the case. As a Claimant, you must disclose any documents that support your case, and any that support the Respondent’s case. In addition, you must disclose documents which don’t help either party, but could give the Tribunal a deeper understanding of the situation. If you are in doubt as to whether a document should be disclosed, it is better to include it in the list. This is important because at a hearing the Tribunal can refuse to consider documents which have not been disclosed and included in the bundle.
Information about the bundle of documents can be found on the Citizens Advice website.