Complaints Policy and Procedure
Client Complaints Policy
We are committed to providing a high-quality legal service to all our clients and to dealing with our clients fairly. When something goes wrong or we fall short of your expectations, we would like you to tell us so that we can put things right. This will also help us improve our service. We are aware that raising a complaint can be stressful, and we would like to reassure our clients that in making a complaint, their case will not be affected, and we will do our best to resolve the situation quickly.
Our aim is to deal with all complaints promptly, fairly and effectively. We tell clients at the start of their case about their right to complain and how to do this. Also our Complaints Policy and procedure can be found on our website at
Not all complaints have to be made formally; where possible you should first contact the person dealing with your case. They will try and address your concerns and agree a solution with you and the best way forward. If you have tried this, but are still not satisfied, or do not wish to contact the person dealing with your case, then the Complaints Co-ordinator is the first point of contact for anyone making a complaint.
Our Complaints Procedure document sets out how we will deal with any complaint made, and our timescales for doing that. That document will be sent to any client making a complaint, and is also accessible via our website.
View and download the Complaints Procedure
If the complaint is against the Second Senior Solicitor, the Law Centre’s Senior Solicitor will become involved. If the complaint is against the Complaints Co-ordinator, the Second Senior Solicitor will be the first point of contact.
The Second Senior Solicitor has overall responsibility for the handling of complaints, while the Senior Solicitor has overall responsibility for the supervision of casework.
The Complaints Co-ordinator will maintain a central record of all complaints made, and their outcome; this record will be kept on the Law Centre’s SharePoint system and regularly reviewed. This record will help us monitor any issues that need to be addressed and help us continually improve our service.
Should the Complaints Co-ordinator identify circumstances that could lead to a potential negligence claim against the Law Centre, they will immediately refer the matter to the Second Senior Solicitor who will consider whether our Insurers should be informed in accordance with the terms of our Professional Indemnity Insurance.
How to make a complaint
If you have a complaint, contact us with the details. Ideally, we would prefer this to be in writing; by email is fine. If you cannot do this, you can contact us by phone to discuss your complaint, or make an appointment to see someone
If possible please contact the person who has been dealing with your case. They will try and address your concerns and agree a solution with you and the best way forward. If after doing this you are still not happy, (or if you would rather not contact the person dealing with your case about your concerns or complaint), please contact our Complaints Co-ordinator; contact details are on our website plus at the end of this document.
Contact Details
Complaints Co-ordinator: Nikki Tugby 01246 550674, or
Senior Solicitor: Lisa Haythorne: 01246 550674, or
Second Senior Solicitor: Sue Allard 01246 550674, or
View and download the Complaints Procedure Document